E-learning & Immersive learning tools, Desktop utilities Training, Mobile tools and Virtual World technologies that incorporate all usable learning Applications
We design, integrate and train users on teaching and learning tools, LMS, Smart & Toolbox kits, Social technology-teaching tool, mobile and desktop Apps such as; 3DF Zephyr, ArcGISPro AccessDB Driver, Arduino IDE, and more as shown on our Apps lists. Also, we develop teaching bouquets for our clients in elementary education and they include, but not limited to;
Introduction to Mathematics and Letters (https://montessorium.com/)
Flashcards Deluxe (http://orangeorapple.com/Flashcards/)
Conflict History (https://www.conflicthistory.com/)
Rocket Math (https://rocketmath.com/)
Integrate our client's instructional materials and provide access to all kinds of educational tools for elementary and secondary schools
Learning Management Systems, Blogs and Wikis
Moodle, Blackboard, and Google Sites (http://sites.google.com)
Wikispaces (www.wikispaces.com)
PB Works (http://pbworks.com)
Moodle (www.keytoschool.com/moodle)
Wordpress (www.wordpress.com)
EduBlogs (https://edublogs.org/)
Blogger (https://www.blogger.com)
Campus Press (https://campuspress.com/)
Kid Blog (https://kidblog.org/home/)
Wix (http://www.wix.com)
Intuit (www.intuit.com)
Mathematics Specific
National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (http://nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/vlibrary.html)
Math Playground (https://www.mathplayground.com/)
Cut the Knot (https://www.cut-the-knot.org/)
Gizmos (https://www.explorelearning.com/)
Interactivate [Math] (http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/)
Streaming Video for learning
Brain Pop (www.brainpop.com )
TedEd (https://ed.ted.com/)
DiscoveryEd (http://www.discoveryeducation.com/)
The Internet Archive (https://archive.org/)
Watch Know (http://www.watchknowlearn.org/default.aspx)
Tube Chop (https://www.tubechop.com/)
ViewPure (http://viewpure.com/)
Khan Academy (www.khanacademy.org)
Presenting Work
Artsonia Kids’ Art Museum (https://www.artsonia.com/teachers/)
Writing Lesson of the Month (http://writinglesson.ning.com/group/publishingstudentwriting)
New Tech High Portfolio Samples (http://www.newtechhigh.org/portfolio)
Collaborative Learning/Group Work
Ning Social Networking (https://www.ning.com/)
Type With Me (https://typewith.me/)
Google Documents
Slack Team Messaging (https://slack.com)
Primary Pad (https://primarypad.com/)
PenPals and Global Collaboration
ePals (https://www.epals.com/#/connections)
Teacher’s Corner (https://www.theteacherscorner.net/)
PenPal School (https://www.penpalschools.com/)
QuestGarden (http://questgarden.com/)
Zunal (http://zunal.com/)
Shared Bookmarking
Diigo (https://www.diigo.com/)
Evernote (https://evernote.com/)
Mind Maps and Representations
Our Timelines (http://www.ourtimelines.com/)
MindMup (https://www.mindmup.com/)
Twiddla (https://www.twiddla.com/)
Piktochart (https://www.piktochart.com
Creating Contents https://www.thinglink.com/
Student Creation
GoAnimate (https://goanimate4schools.com/public_index) *Video
Video creation https://www.moovly.com/
Creating audio contents https://vocaroo.com/
Glogster (http://edu.glogster.com/glogpedia) *visual representation
DigiTales (www.digitales.us) *digital stories
Make Beliefs Comix (https://www.makebeliefscomix.com/) *comic strip creation
NoteStar (http://notestar.4teachers.org/)
Think Tank (http://thinktank.4teachers.org/)
Inklewriter (https://www.inklestudios.com/inklewriter/)
Study Tools & Homework
H5P (https://h5p.org/)
CRAM (http://www.cram.com/)
Flashcard Machine (https://www.flashcardmachine.com/)
Kahoot (https://kahoot.it/)
Factile (https://www.playfactile.com/)
Flippity (https://flippity.net/)
Making Assements
GoFormative (https://goformative.com/)
Used to build “guided reading” or quizzes.
Virtual “Field Trips” and classroom
VirBela, https://www.virbela.com/
Interactive learning
We design interactive resources using interactive websites for K-12 students.
Podcasts (https://www.learnoutloud.com/Podcast-Directory/Literature)
Teaching with multimedia
Makerspace and Design
Research Assistance
In Research Support(RS), our team specialize in qualitative and quantitative or mixed approach research, and we help you draft your research plan, identify the area requiring investigation, problematize the issue, organize your research design, choose appropriate conceptual and/or theoretical framework, guide you through a suitable methodology and analysis to arrive at laudable findings and conclusion. We help you to package your research work and get it ready for defense, presentation, or publication.
Try us today and let off your learning burden...!
-We also offer training-